This guide is loaded with ideas, inventory lists, and resources to support you in conveying the learning that is happening while children play!
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Challenging behaviours in the early years are frustrating for all parties:
Because each and every on of them is communicating something different and the way in which behaviours are communicated is different for each person.
There is no one set solution or a step-by-step process that will solve them all together. If that were true…we all wouldn’t be so confused.
“Behaviour is communication”….this is very common statement BUT it only scratches the surface.
If this is what you say when seeing and experiencing behaviours, here’s the good news.
You’ve taken the first step, which is having a growth mindset that you don’t understand them YET.
What we can do is go deeper into what the behaviours are communicating and work collaboratively to understand and solve them.
Dr. Ross Greene says behaviours are unsolved problems. Working together to solve the problem is the way to more forward.
That is what you’ll learn about in this mini training below! Getting your mindset in the right place to see behaviours as unsolved problems and how to work collaboratively with the child and parents to come up with solutions.
But I also know that this takes time.
Not every unsolved problem can be solved at the same time. So, this means you’re going to be in the storm and still reeling with difficult and overwhelming meltdowns and times a child is in such deep distress.
The video will walk you through the storm (from the tipping point to walking on egg shells after) and what to do during and after.
Keep in mind this is a reactive response, but you also need to know what to do in those moments that support ALL the children the best you can.
The most important thing to do when your in the storm, is to not “teach” or address the behaviour.
No learning can happen when a person is unregulated, in distress and overstimulated.
Plus when you address the behaviour before analyzing the WHY behind it, you’re only getting to the surface and not what the child is actually communicating.
This guide is a framework of questions that help you look at behaviours through a holistic view for common behaviours such as biting, hitting, throwing and defiance.
Your fellow educator, Paola from Kinderoo Children’s Academy had to say this,
“In love with this new guide Veronica! It’s an easy and practical guide that belongs in every classroom!”
After you watch the video and download your guide, make sure to leave a comment on the blog below about this mini training or any unsolved problems you need help collaborating together on.
Loose Parts, Schemas, Behaviours…Oh My! – Catch the replay of this popular workshop and find practical strategies to understand behaviours and how loose parts can reduce behaviours!
The Modern Educator Toolkit – Dive into 7 hours of self-paced online PD on loose parts, planning provocations, solving behaviours and supporting sensory needs.
I am an Early Childhood Consultant and very passionate about supporting and inspiring my fellow Educators. I will share my reflections and experiences about implementing my philosophy, views, and ideas into my practice.
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Supporting Challenging Behaviours in the Early Years
Inspiring and mentoring my fellow educators how to use loose parts to enhance all aspects of their practice. I share my dual roles of educator & momma and how our autistic son has shown me so many new perspectives.
Unlock the possibilities to simplify your planning, become proactive with behaviours & enjoy your role again! I'll guide you to find the beauty in loose parts play.
also known as Ronnie!
Inspiring and mentoring my fellow educators how to use loose parts to enhance all aspects of their practice. I share my dual roles of educator & momma and how our autistic son has shown me so many new perspectives.
read about my early years journey