Directors, easily integrate this FREE EARLY YEARS STARTER KIT into your centre's orientation process (within the first 30 days) to help you reduce turnover, save time and cost on hiring with these 3 ESSENTIAL areas that Educators need the most support in...
You're setting is unique, as usual go over policies/procedures, room tours & important housekeeping items.
Introduce key elements of child led learning across all ages and ideas to plan invitations to play that are DAP & inclusive.
The area you didn't know you needed. This is IMPERATIVE for holistic planning, understanding behaviours & creating an inclusive thinking educator.
Start your new educators with strategies that work so they don't get caught up "managing behaviours" all day long that commonly lead them straight to the revolving door.
These tools of support will help you successfully orientate your new hires with the Early Years Starter Kit seamlessly into your own process, track their progress, easily following up and providing any additional guidance needed.